Surgical Orthodontics

What is Surgical Orthodontics?

Surgical orthodontics, commonly called orthognathic surgery, is a specialized procedure designed to correct severe jaw alignment and bite issues. This advanced treatment requires the collaboration of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon and an orthodontist. By addressing these critical issues, surgical orthodontics can greatly enhance your ability to speak, chew, and breathe while significantly improving your facial aesthetics.

Who is a Candidate for Surgical Orthodontics?

Surgical orthodontics is typically recommended for adult patients who have finished growing and face significant bite or facial alignment concerns. Key considerations include:

  • Completion of Jaw Growth: Jaw growth generally concludes at age 16 for females and at age 18 for males. Orthognathic surgery should only be performed once this growth phase is complete.
  • Pre-Surgical Orthodontics: Braces or other orthodontic treatments can be initiated one to two years before surgery, even if the jaw has not fully matured.

How Does Surgical Orthodontics Work?

In some cases, traditional braces may not entirely correct bite issues due to underlying jaw alignment problems. Orthognathic surgery becomes necessary when braces alone cannot achieve the desired results. The process involves:

  • Jaw Realignment: The surgery realigns the jaws to ensure the teeth fit properly together, improving both function and appearance. The specific techniques used depend on individual needs.
  • Surgical Procedures:
    • Lower Jaw Surgery: This involves separating the jawbone behind the teeth and repositioning the portion of the jawbone that carries the teeth, moving it forward or backward as needed.
    • Upper Jaw Surgery: The upper jaw may be raised, repositioned, or moved forward or backward. Additional modifications might involve separating the jaws or adding/removing bone for stability and proper alignment.
    • Facial Bone Adjustments: Facial bones that help with alignment might also be repositioned or augmented to support the overall correction.

What to Expect During the Recovery Period

The recovery from orthodontic surgery typically spans about two weeks, allowing patients to return to daily activities. However, complete healing can take between 4 to 8 weeks. During this period:

  • Post-Surgery Adjustments: Minor bite adjustments may be necessary as you heal; your orthodontist will guide you through this process.
  • Braces Removal: Braces are usually removed 6 to 12 months after the surgery.
  • Retainer Use: Wearing a retainer after braces removal is essential to maintain the corrected alignment of your teeth and ensure long-lasting results.

Ensure Long-Term Success: Adhering to your orthodontist’s guidelines and using your retainer as prescribed will help maintain your newly aligned smile and enhanced functionality.

Contact Alinea Orthodontics for a personalized consultation and to determine if surgical orthodontics is right for you. Dr. Jose Enrique Ortiz is here to provide expert care and help you achieve your desired smile.