Professional Whitening

Achieving a radiant smile is a common motivation for many seeking orthodontic care. After dedicating months to braces, it’s natural to want your teeth to look their best. At Alinea Orthodontics in Santa Monica, CA, we offer exceptional teeth whitening treatments to help you achieve a brighter, more confident smile.

Experience the Difference with Professional Teeth Whitening

Over-the-counter whitening products often fail to deliver the dazzling results you desire. They typically contain lower concentrations of whitening agents, so they might not effectively brighten your smile. Our Santa Monica office provides advanced teeth whitening options featuring professional-strength products from trusted brands like Zoom and Opalescence.

Why Choose Our Professional Whitening Treatments?

  • Enhanced Results: Our professional whitening solutions offer superior brightness compared to store-bought alternatives.
  • Reduced Sensitivity: Our treatments are designed to minimize discomfort, reducing the likelihood of tooth and gum sensitivity.
  • Custom Fit: We use tailor-made whitening trays that ensure the application of the whitening gel even, maximizing your results.
  • Expert Guidance: Whether you opt for an efficient in-office treatment or prefer the convenience of at-home whitening, our team will provide detailed instructions and support to help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Get Started on Your Brightest Smile

Ready to see the difference professional teeth whitening can make? Contact our office today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Jose Enrique Ortiz. Whether you choose our one-hour in-office treatment or the flexibility of at-home whitening, we are committed to helping you achieve a stunningly white smile.