Early Orthodontics

At What Age Should a Child First Visit the Orthodontist?

The American Association of Orthodontists advises that most children should have their first orthodontic screening by age 7. Early evaluations by Dr. Ortiz help determine the right time for orthodontic treatment, potentially addressing issues before they become more complex. In some cases, local dentists trained to identify early orthodontic problems may refer children to our office even before age 7 if they have concerns.

Why Are Children Being Evaluated at Such an Early Age?

Early orthodontic assessments offer several benefits:

  • Guiding Teeth Eruption: Helps direct erupting teeth into optimal positions.
  • Preserving Space: Maintains space for permanent teeth, reducing future problems.
  • Protecting Front Teeth: Minimizes the risk of damage to protruded teeth.

If needed, Dr. Ortiz can start early treatment to regulate jaw growth and the positioning of incoming permanent teeth. Early intervention can:

  • Regulate Dental Arch Width: Ensures proper development of the upper and lower arches.
  • Create Space: Avoids the need for extractions by making space for permanent teeth.
  • Prevent Complications: Reduces the likelihood of impacted teeth and corrects thumb sucking or abnormal swallowing.

By simplifying future treatments, early intervention supports overall dental health and growth.

Does Early Treatment Benefit All Children?

Early treatment is not universally necessary. Certain orthodontic issues are more effectively treated during the teenage years when all permanent teeth have erupted. Additionally, some skeletal problems may need to wait until growth is more advanced. Dr. Ortiz assesses each child’s needs individually and may place them in our Orthodontic Supervisory Program if early treatment is not yet required.

What Is the Orthodontic Supervisory Program?

The Orthodontic Supervisory Program is for patients who are not yet ready for treatment. It allows us to monitor the eruption of permanent teeth and address potential issues early. Benefits include:

  • Monitoring Growth: Tracks tooth development and adjusts plans as needed.
  • Early Interventions: Sometimes involve early removal of baby teeth to reduce future treatment time.

Patients in this program visit us every 6-8 months, and there is no fee. This program helps Dr. Ortiz decide the optimal time to begin treatment, ensuring the best outcomes.

Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment with braces offers numerous advantages beyond aesthetic improvements:

  • Improved Bite Functionality: Enhances the efficiency of chewing and speaking.
  • Better Oral Hygiene: Easier to clean teeth and gums effectively.
  • Reduced Wear: Prevents excessive wear on teeth and extends their lifespan.

If a Child Has Early Treatment, Will This Prevent the Need for Braces as an Adolescent?

Early treatment can correct significant problems and prevent more severe issues from developing. However, because all permanent teeth have not yet erupted, a subsequent phase of comprehensive treatment (Phase II – full braces) is often needed during the teenage years to complete the alignment. In some cases, further orthodontic treatment may not be necessary.

Do We Still Need to See Our Family Dentist During Orthodontic Treatment?

Yes, regular visits to your family dentist are crucial during orthodontic treatment. Braces and other orthodontic appliances require extra care to maintain dental hygiene. To ensure optimal oral health, we recommend scheduling check-ups and cleanings every 6 months throughout the course of treatment.