Dental Monitoring

Elevate Your Orthodontic Experience with Virtual Appointments

At Alinea Orthodontics, we highly value your time and aim to make your orthodontic care as convenient as possible. To achieve this, we offer various services, such as text messaging, online patient forms, and iTero digital impressions. We are thrilled to introduce virtual orthodontic appointments through the Dental Monitoring app.

This innovative technology enables Dr. Jose Enrique Ortiz to efficiently monitor your treatment progress, reducing the need for frequent in-office visits. The best part? There is no additional charge for this advanced digital service!

What Is the Dental Monitoring App?

The Dental Monitoring app is a user-friendly tool designed to make your orthodontic journey smoother.

  • Initial Consultation: Your treatment begins with a comprehensive in-office consultation with Dr. Ortiz, where we gather the information needed to tailor your treatment plan.
  • Remote Monitoring: After your initial visit, you’ll primarily use the app to submit scans of your teeth. These scans help us track your progress and adjust your treatment as needed, reducing the need for frequent office visits.

How Does It Work?

Here’s how you can start using Dental Monitoring:

  1. Setup: We’ll assist you in setting up your account on the Dental Monitoring app and provide you with cheek retractors.
  2. Scanning: Follow our instructions to capture and send photo or video scans of your teeth.
  3. Regular Updates: For Invisalign treatments, you’ll send a scan each week. We’ll review your scans and let you know if it’s time to progress to the next set of aligners or continue with your current set. You can also reach out with any questions or concerns via the app.

Why Choose Dental Monitoring?

Dental Monitoring provides significant benefits, particularly for patients who struggle to make frequent visits to our office.

  • Flexibility: Access the app from anywhere with cell phone coverage.
  • Perfect For:
    • College students with busy schedules
    • Professionals who travel frequently
    • Children involved in extracurricular activities
    • Individuals with limited transportation options
    • Parents managing multiple children
    • Anyone seeking a more flexible treatment experience

At Alinea Orthodontics, we currently offer Dental Monitoring for patients using Invisalign aligners. Contact us today to learn how this innovative technology can enhance your orthodontic treatment and make your experience more convenient!