Adolescent Treatment

When Should Your Teen Get Braces?

The ideal time for orthodontic treatment is typically between the ages of 11 and 15. By this age, most adolescents have their permanent teeth fully erupted, making it easier for Dr. Jose Enrique Ortiz at Alinea Orthodontics to identify and address issues like crooked teeth, gaps, and misalignments. Tackling these problems is essential, as they rarely resolve on their own.

Why Is This the Perfect Age for Braces?

  1. Complete Eruption of Permanent Teeth: By age 12, most children have most of their permanent teeth, which allows Dr. Ortiz to diagnose and treat orthodontic issues effectively.
  2. Social Acceptance: At this stage, many teens see braces as a common experience. With many peers also wearing braces, they are more likely to feel comfortable with the idea.
  3. Faster Metabolism: Adolescents often have a quicker metabolism, which can help shorten the overall treatment time and minimize discomfort.

Benefits of Treatment During Adolescence

  • Effective Problem Correction: Intervention can address alignment issues before they become more severe.
  • Improved Aesthetics and Function: Proper alignment enhances not only the smile but also the chewing function and overall dental health.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!

Ready to see if your teen could benefit from braces? Contact Alinea Orthodontics for a FREE initial examination with Dr. Ortiz. During this consultation, we will outline a personalized treatment plan, estimate the duration, and provide an approximate cost. This first step is crucial for setting your teen on the path to a healthier, more confident smile. Call us today to schedule your appointment!