All About Braces

Brushing and Flossing

Maintaining oral hygiene is crucial with braces. Proper brushing and flossing help keep your teeth and gums healthy throughout your orthodontic treatment. Since braces make cleaning more challenging, it’s important to adjust your routine:

  • Brushing: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Brush after every meal and before bed.
  • Flossing: Use orthodontic floss or floss threaders to clean between the braces and around wires.

Patients who struggle with oral hygiene might need more frequent professional cleanings. Adults with a history of gum disease should also see a periodontist during treatment. Watch the videos below for tips on effective braces care.

Eating with Braces

One of the most common questions is, “What can I eat with braces?” To protect your braces and ensure comfort:

  • For the First Few Days: Stick to soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, and soups.
  • Foods to Avoid:
    • Chewy Foods: Bagels, hard rolls, licorice
    • Crunchy Foods: Popcorn, ice
    • Sticky Foods: Caramels, gum
    • Hard Foods: Nuts, candy
    • Foods You Have to Bite Into: Corn on the cob, apples, carrots

Additionally, avoid chewing on hard objects such as pens or fingernails to prevent damage to your braces, which could extend your treatment time.

General Soreness

When your braces are first placed, it’s normal to experience some soreness. This tenderness in your teeth and mouth usually lasts for 3-5 days. To manage discomfort:

  • Pain Relief: Take over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol.
  • Irritation: Use orthodontic wax on any areas where the braces are causing irritation. This helps soothe your mouth as it adjusts.

Rubber Band Wear

To ensure the success of your orthodontic treatment, it’s essential to:

  • Wear Rubber Bands: Follow the prescribed schedule for wearing rubber bands or other appliances.
  • Consistency: Adhering to these instructions helps move your teeth and jaws into the desired positions, avoiding delays in your treatment.

Loose Wire or Band

If a wire or band becomes loose, there’s no need to panic. This occasionally happens during treatment. If a wire is protruding and causing irritation, gently use a blunt object, such as the eraser end of a pencil, to push it back into place if orthodontic wax alone doesn’t alleviate the discomfort.

If the irritation persists, placing additional wax or wet cotton on the wire can help reduce the annoyance. Be sure to contact our office as soon as possible to schedule an appointment for a professional check-up and repair.

Loosening of Teeth

It’s normal for your teeth to feel a bit loose during treatment. This is a part of the process as the teeth need to become mobile to move into their correct positions. Once the treatment is complete, your teeth will settle into their new positions and become stable.


If you’re involved in any sports, please inform us so we can provide a custom mouthguard. This mouthguard is designed to:

  • Protect Your Braces: Prevent damage to your braces during contact sports.
  • Enhance Safety: Reduce the risk of injuries to your mouth and braces.

Wearing the mouthguard is crucial for maintaining the progress of your treatment and ensuring safety while playing. If you have any concerns about playing sports with braces, contact us for additional advice or adjustments to your protective gear.